- Da li je umro dobar čovjek?
- Da mi je biti morski pas
- Daasi
- Dad
- Dad’s Sneakers
- Daddy
- Daens
- Dagger of Kamui
- Daigo Fukuryu-Maru
- Daisies
- Dall'altra parte del mare
- Damage
- Damnation
- Dan i noć (Pjaca)
- Dancer in the Dark
- Dancing in Jaffa
- Dancing Queen
- Dangerous Liaisons 1960
- Daredevil's Time
- Dark Blue Almost Black
- Dark Habits
- Dark Love
- Dark Passage
- Dark Star
- Darkness in the Light
- Darwin's nightmare
- Das Lied der Schwarzen Berge
- Das Lied ist aus
- Dawn of an Evil Millennium
- Day in the Country
- Day of Wrath
- Days of Being Wild
- Days of Glory
- Days of Heaven
- Days of Life
- Days Of Thunder
- Dazed and Confused
- De Ydmygede
- Dead Man
- Dead of Night
- Dead Poets Society
- Dealer
- Dear Aki
- Dear Comrades!
- Dear Diary
- Dear Emma, Sweet Böbe
- Dear Wendy
- Death in the Garden
- Death in Venice
- Death Is Called Engelchen
- Death of a Cyclist
- Death to Punks
- Decalogue 1
- Decalogue 10
- Decalogue 2
- Decalogue 3
- Decalogue 4
- Decalogue 5
- Decalogue 6
- Decalogue 7
- Decalogue 8
- Decalogue 9
- Decision at Sundown
- Decision to Leave
- Deliverance
- Deluge
- Demonlover
- Deps
- Der König und sein Narr
- Der Wald vor lauter Bäumen
- Dernek
- Desant na Drvar
- Desastres Naturales
- Desierto
- Desperado
- Desperate Living
- Destiny
- Det Gode Livet, Der Borte
- Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell Bastards
- Detective Story
- Detour
- Detour
- Deveti krug
- Devil in the Flesh
- Devil Woman
- Diabolique
- Dial M for Murder
- Diamonds of the Night
- Diarios de Motocicleta
- Diary For My Father and Mother
- Diary for My Lovers
- Diary of a Country Priest
- Diary of a Lost Girl
- Diary of a Pregnant Woman
- Diary of a Provincial Girl
- Die Hard
- Die Nibelungen - part I
- Die Nibelungen - part II
- Die Spinnen - Die Brillantenschiff (part 2)
- Die Spinnen - Die Goldene See (part 1)
- Dilili in Paris
- Dior and I
- Diploma za smrt
- Directions
- Dirty Dancing
- Dirty Feathers
- Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
- Disco Boy
- Discovery at Dawn
- Disengagement
- Displaced
- Distance
- Distant
- Distant Journey
- Distant voices, still lives
- Diva
- Diverso da chi?
- Divided We Fall
- Divine Love
- Divlji anđeli
- Divlji čovjek
- Divorce - Italian Style
- Divovi
- Djevojka i hrast
- Dnevnik
- Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World
- Do Not Panic
- Doctor Zhivago
- Dodes'ka-den
- Dog Day Afternoon
- Dog Days
- Događaj
- Dogs Barking at Birds
- Dogtooth
- Dogwatch
- Domoljubni vremeplov
- Don't Bother to Knock
- Don't Count on Your Fingers
- Don't Cry, Pretty Girls!
- Don't Look Back
- Don't Look Back
- Don't Look Now - We're Being Shot at
- Don't Touch the White Woman!
- Don’t Forget to Breathe
- Don’t Look Back, My Son
- Donator
- Donkey Skin
- Dora-heita
- Dot.com
- Double Indemnity
- Down by Law
- Down the River
- Down to the Bone
- Down to the Cellar
- Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler
- Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler, Inferno
- Dr. Mabuses Testament
- Dr. Popaul
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- Dracula
- Dracula's Daughter
- Dragi Džoni, kradu ti zlato
- Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler
- Dragon Ball: The Path to Power
- Dragon's return
- Dragulj
- Dream Scenario
- Dreaming the Rose
- Dreams
- Dreams
- Dreams That Money Can Buy
- Dressed To Kill
- Drifters
- Drifting Clouds
- Drink Up
- Drive My Car
- Driving with My Wife's Lover
- Droneman
- Drowsiness
- Drugi kat, podrum
- Društvena igra
- Družba Pere Kvržice
- Dry Ground Burning
- Du rififi chez les hommes
- Duboko plavo more
- Dubrovnik Twilight
- Duelle (une quarantaine)
- Duga noć 1943.
- Dumb and Dumber
- Dune
- Dust
- Dust in the Wind
- Dvije ili tri stvari koje znam o njoj
- Dvojica u valu
- Dvostruki obruč
- E
- E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial
- E•pis•to•lar•y: letter to Jean Vigo
- Each Time We Part Away
- Eagle
- Early Man
- Early Spring
- Early Summer
- East of Eden
- Easy Rider
- Easy!
- Eat Drink Man Woman
- Eccentricities of a Blonde-haired Girl
- Edge of America
- Edvard Munch
- Edward II
- Edward Scissorhands
- Effi Briest
- Egg
- Egyptian Story
- Ekstaza
- El
- El Benny
- El bonaerense
- El brindis
- El bruto
- El Conde inglés
- El Deseo de ser piel roja
- El día de la bestia
- El Gran Movimiento
- El Lazarillo de Tormes
- El Leyton
- El Planeta
- El Pueblo Armado
- El regalo
- El Shatt - Blueprint For Utopia
- El sistema
- Eldorado
- Election
- Elevator to the Gallows
- Elle
- Elmer Gantry
- Embargo
- Emigrants
- Emigrants
- Emilia Pérez
- Emperor
- End of Season
- Endless Dreams
- Endless Love
- Endless Poetry
- Enemy
- Enough for Now
- Entanglement
- Enter the Void
- Entranced Earth
- Eo
- Epidemic
- Equinox Flower
- Eraserhead
- Eric Rohmer preuves a l'appui
- Eros + Massacre
- Esa mujer
- Escape from New York
- Escrito en el cuerpo
- Esther Forever
- Estômago: A Gastronomic Story
- Et Dieu… créa la femme
- Eternal Summer
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Eugene Onegin
- Eureka
- Europa
- Eve Wants to Sleep
- Even Dwarfs Started Small
- Ever Been to the Moon?
- Every Living Thing - Experiencing A Bioblitz
- Every Man for Himself and God Against All
- Everybody's Woman
- Everyone Off to Jail
- Everything Ahead
- Everything Everywhere All At Once
- Everything or Nothing
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask
- Evil Dead 2
- Evilenko
- Excursion
- Exhibition
- Exile
- Exodus
- Exotica
- Explanation for Everything
- Eyes on the Road
- Eyes Wide Shut
- Eyes Without a Face
- Ezra
- F For Fake
- Fabian: Going to the Dogs
- Face of Fu Manchu
- Face to Face
- Faces
- Factory to the Workers
- Fado
- Fado blues
- Fahrenheit 451
- Fail-Safe
- Fairytale
- Fall Guy
- Fall of Our Summer
- Fallen Angel
- Fallen Angels
- Fallen Leaves
- Falling Leaves
- Family
- Family bond
- Family Holiday
- Family Meals
- Family Nest
- Family Plot
- Fando and Lis
- Fanny and Alexander
- Fantasia
- Fantasia 2000
- Fantastic Mr. Fox
- Fantastic Night
- Fantastic Planet
- Far from the Madding Crowd
- Far From Vietnam
- Faraway, So Close!
- Farewell My Concubine
- Farewell to Death
- Farewell, Home Sweet Home
- Farewells
- Farinelli
- Fat City
- Fata Morgana
- Fate as a Rate
- Fateless
- Father
- Father
- Father
- Father and Guns
- Father-time
- Faust
- Fausto 5.0
- Favourites of the Moon
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Fearless Little Soldier
- Feast of Amrita
- Feathers
- Fellini's Casanova
- Female Trouble
- Feminism WTF
- Femme Fatale
- Ferdinand
- Fereshteh and child
- Ferpect Crime
- Fiasco in Milan
- Fiction
- Fiction and Fact
- Fight Club
- Fighting Elegy
- Film
- Film o gostima i radnicima
- Films for Children Competition (11-14)
- Films for Children Competition (3-6)
- Films for Children Competition (7-10)
- Films for Youth Competition (15+)
- Fin de siglo
- Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen
- Final Dash
- Finding Fela
- Finding Nemo
- Fine Dead Girls
- Fiore
- Fire (Both Sides of the Blade)
- Fire at Sea
- Fire in the Cauldron
- Fireworks Wednesday
- First Cow
- Fish Tank
- Five Boys from Barska Street
- Five Easy Pieces
- Fixed Bayonets!
- Flanders
- Flash Gordon
- Flavour of Green Tea Over Rice
- Flic story
- Fliers of the Open Skies
- Floating Weeds
- Flora
- Florbela
- Flower in Hell
- Fly
- Fogo-fátuo
- Following
- Football Icons - Battle for Macola
- Footsteps in Jerusalem (A Tribute to David Perlov)
- For A Few Dollars More
- For Love and Gold
- Foragers
- Forbidden Planet
- Forbidden to Forbid
- Foreign Correspondent
- Forever the Moment
- Formørkelsen
- Fort Apache
- Fortunella
- Forty Guns
- Four Friends
- Four Nights of a Dreamer
- Four Verses of Self Pleasure
- Fourteen
- Fragile
- Fragrance of Wild Flowers
- Francuskinje
- Frankenstein
- Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man
- Frankenweenie
- Frantic
- Frau im Mond
- Free space
- French Can Can
- Frenchmen
- Frenzy
- Fresh Air
- Friday Night
- Friday of Departure
- Friday the 13th
- Friends
- From 3 to 22
- From Afar
- From Here To Eternity
- From Hetty to Nancy
- From the Cloud to the Resistance
- From the East
- From the Life of the Marionettes
- From Today Until Tomorrow
- From Us to Me: Life in East Germany Then and Now
- Frozen
- Frozen Land
- Frozen Silence
- Fruit of Paradise
- Fun Without Limits
- Funny Games
- Funny Games U.S.
- Funny girl
- Fury